The Mighty Fish

Such a weird, unique and special movie. I look forward to watching it instead of any janky remakes that Disney tries to push.

To Kill a Mockingbird

Are we going to talk about jump scares, mention Samuel L. Jackson, and NOT mention "Deep Blue Sea"?

Rob Ford aside, is there a way you can get my visa application expedited? Do you know somebody, anybody? I have flannel shirts to trade.

They've begun constructing flak cannons on the Keys to combat the menace.

SAME! I was horrifically, embarrassingly vitriolic in my ignorant conservatism. It's so bizarre now that I've seen the light — I keep seeing people I know say things that make me think "Hey, I'm not saying you're stupid, but you're saying the kind of things that I said when I was stupid."

I'd watch Greta Van Susteren's show for hours on end before I'd watch ten minutes of Jeanine Pirro's show. They should get her to interrogate inmates at Guantanamo Bay, she's so annoying.

From listening to Hannity's show, he sounds like the kind of person who would loudly and passionately speak for whichever side didn't tell him to shut the hell up. He's an egotist of the highest order.

Ugh, I had forgotten about that until just this second.

I agree with the fundamentals of what you're saying and I do think there's a double standard but I don't tend to think of it as "Nate Parker deserves to be given this ludicrously deferential benefit that white celebrities are"; more like "No one deserves that at all, not Woody Allen or Nate Parker."

What about Hinder? Jesus, Hinder was awful.

I'm legitimately wondering; can Wheel of Fortune really be said to have "ended" in a tie? Surely both the game and its associated programming block ended with LaToya winning. Or is it a thing where "Wheel of Fortune" is the name of the main game itself and the bonus round is an independent entity?

Retired life in Hawaii sounds pretty good right about now.

. . . dammit.

It's okay to have two grandmas now!

Hahahaha you almost got me there, I almost thought you were serious. Good one.

"That's 'therapists', Mr. Connery."

"Klansman: The Golden Cankle"

They're compressing time with its badness! Einstein never planned for this!

I can play two-man touch in my bedroom with a couple of handsome friends, hyuk!