The Mighty Fish

"I would rather wait for Godot than the end of this damned game!"

What, just because he had no hands, he's defenseless? In my state, you could still shoot that guy if you wanted to.

Trust me, I haven't forgotten about women's volleyball.

It has to do with birds?

At least most baseball players won't die thirty years premature, being driven into horrifying madness from repeated brain injury.

The catcher can't touch the batter on the ass before the pitch. It's garbage, all these rules.

I like watching people make food, but only if Alton Brown is manipulating them into buying sadistic traps for the other people cooking. And it's less "watching people make food" than "masturbating to Alton Brown's cruelty".

Aldo Raine speaks faux-Italian at Superman to confuse him, then Eli Roth sneaks up and blows himself and Superman up with a Kryptonite suicide bomb.

Memento is definitely the better, more thoughtful and more consistent film. But I'd rather sit on my couch and watch Inception than Memento on most weekends.

"One More Martha"

Yeah, there's been three new Spidermen in that time. I don't think anyone is still nursing a grudge over Steel.

. . . Do we not like Inception anymore?

Age of Ultron at least had some clever lines. It had that nice party scene. James Spader was fun. No one cast Jesse Eisenberg in it. I don't know if Ultron is going to get a critical reprisal but Marvel must be very happy that no one is going to get complacent with their movies anymore, now that a really disappointing

That would at least be original to the big screen and allow for screenwriters to write outside of the popularly-established Batman mythos. It would be creative and interesting, so WB will definitely not sign off on it.

And it's going to keep happening unfortunately, ever since they gave the keys to Jurassic Park to an inexperienced dude who created a slightly watchable movie that happened to rake in truckloads of money.

That's the most obvious ass-covering I've seen this week. Boo, I say. Boo.

"I've got commenting to do!"

"Call 911!"

Isn't the Six Flags Wild West adventure ride that HBO is interested in really "Westworld"?

You haven't been on the websites I have . . .