Adolph Oliver Pubes

The Aristocrats?

My day was made by that Horsefellow post.

Now if Shawnee Smith were on board…  That's a cruise worth considering for a moment.

Wait… What?

That post needs an alternate beginning.

Extra special spoiler… Sam's penis also has two endings.

Well, you know what they say… all these holograms look alike.

Anything more than a mouthful and you're risking a sprained tongue.

Fuck Axl then.  How about an LA Guns reunion?  Can we at least pull that together?

A swing and Amis?

You need your head checked.

Seriously, how scary is a ghost wearing a poncho and a huge sombrero sitting against a wall with its knees bent taking a nap?

Would you settle for Erik Estrada's non-union Mexican equivalent who also happens to be Erik Estrada?

I didn't really find it racist but I think the bit about the refreshing watermelon smoothie was a bit much.

It's such a good vibration.

Want some red licorice Garth?

You know what kind of superhero Donald Glover should play?  One who can leap over sharks in a single bound, that's what kind.  

You brought it up.

Veni, vidi, vici… Not necessarily in that order.

That's not news. I mean, who hasn't seen that tattoo on your sister's ass?