Adolph Oliver Pubes


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

O'Neal, Twoneal in which a toothless Kieth Phipps helps Koski locate a rare trillium which they hide in a secret tunnel behind a file cabinet in the AV Club offices. O'Neal secretly observes the shenanigans and while trying to retrieve the rare flower discovers the hiding spot is actually a magical gateway into the

I always thought of Hendrix as the Scruggs of guitar.

Can't they just tape a few cats together?

Excuse me.  What does God need with a starship?

This makes me want to drive the Parents Television Council out to a swamp at the end of a dirt road where me and my friends will stab and beat them until they die and then the gators can eat them. 

More importantly, as a robotic reanimated corpse is he for or against universal healthcare? I smell political satire…

He said, "The sheriff is near!"

I'm about 73.4% in agreement with you on that.


A third is bound to raise suspicion…

Adolph Oliver Pubes

Well it' six and a half of one and a dozen of the other I guess.

Long ago, a now ex-girlfriend and I somewhat awkwardly enjoyed the old Big Sploosh Log Ride at Disneyland.  Nowadays as I smirkingly take a walk down memory lane during visits to Disney World with the kids all I get are suspicious looks from the wife.

Sure you love them, but can you love them ironically?

The letter K appears in the script 1,456 times. That's perfectly divisible by 3!

…and then Mariska Hargitay wakes up and realizes it was all a bad dream.

Did she let her Lawgiver do the talking

No mama, no papa, no whiskey sodas.