Adolph Oliver Pubes

We missed you very very not at all.

"Hoosier" is a derisive term elsewhere too. It ranks right up there "Pukes" and/or "'Show Me State' fuckwad".

Big deal. It's not like one of Lady Gaga's testicles became untucked and popped out of her costume or anything.

You're a sick fuck Frink!

You've got dead ears, mate!

Don't give up Karla. I read somewhere that it gets better for you people. Whatever that means?

An overactive menstrual cycle is not sexy.

Well shit. You mean having tattoos and a name like Diablo Cody isn't enough to earn your hipster love? What if she publicly announces her enjoyment of The Wire and Breaking Bad? Then will you like her?

No, I believe Aaron Carter masturbates furiously to pictures of Bieber like other girls his age.

You forgot "Drew Barrymore" in your effort to include all random Tom Green references in a single post.

He has become weirdness incarnate with the strength to twist space and time like balloon animals.

Where's the Firefly board game?

Ha ha, "Sean O'Neal"… like that even sounds like a real name.

Apparently he forgot to use the new cover sheet on his TPS reports one too many times.

Once I noticed the startling inconsistency in the shape of his ears I could no longer focus on what he was saying. You can't unsee that shit.

I'd rather see a $20 million extravaganza Playboy Video Centerfold.

Ya bought somebody's house and ya looped it, ya looped it
Ya boosted somebody's house then you looped it, ya looped it.
Yo I came from from Cali and they hooped it, they hooped it.
But now your gettin' sued, kinda stupid.

'sup G?

Tom Brokaw refers to them as the second or maybe third greatest generation.

You can fly right over it though.