Adolph Oliver Pubes

It would kick ass if you could film on of the performances on the roof of the building from that one album cover, you know, the building that spells out Chicago when you view it from above…


More like Gonorrhea Spice… amirite people? People?

If only that headline had read, "Alison Brie and Lizzy Caplan will be together in a movie"…

Yeah, but in Tennessee you can share your password with your father, uncle, step-brother and grandpa and it's still only one time.

Cousin Oliver

Uh oh

She should've just given him chlamydia.

TV doesn't want Star Wars, it's all unscripted reality series these days. Let's put together a show where Lucas, Spielberg, James Cameron and Snookie live together while competing to drive tractor trailers from Milan to Minsk.

Every movie could benefit from more camelot and titles.

The success of this movie hinges upon the actress they hire to play Princess Frostine… and the casting notice must definitely read, "Upper frontal nudity is required."

…that's what she said.

I tried watching it on HBO once ended up changing the channel to watch something more interesting like Chronicles of Riddick. I thought the premise seemed kind of cool but it's probably one of those stories that are in your head than when you see them actually made.

Ah Ah Alrak, you wouldn't happen to be a chimney sweep with a friend by the name of Mary Poppins, would you?

You better be right O'Neal or else I'm going to have to find something else to do with all these guns and ammunition, not to mention 50 cases of canned vegetables.

Fritzy, the Dark Tower series incorporates a vast array of pop culture tidbits including a post-apocalyptic landscape, cowboys, swords & sorcery, zombies, robots, parallel worlds, etc. It also pulls in elements from other King novels. It's a fun read.

Wasn't he one half of Right Said Fred?

Well, his parents went to Pawnee and all he got was that stupid t-shirt.

:: Yawns ::

Fuckin' A, man. These Hollywood guys got it made. I always put "Upper frontal nudity is required." into every job posting and HR shoots it down every time.