Adolph Oliver Pubes

Rash? [points at Sean O'Neal] There's the rash that infects world journalism.

H.E. Pennypacker and Art Vandelay look over, whisper something to each other then smile quietly to themselves.

They should've gotten Kirk Hammett to be their endorser.

As in, "Someone done hit me in mah face with a gawddamn hay-um!"

… and add in an Andy Rooney cameo for good measure.

I got to the party and I did the Smurf.

The ordeal of the woman used as a human shield is going to make one hell of the Lifetime Original Movie.

Here's my concept…

Isn't the half man old enough to be one of the two men at this point thus only making it necessary for the producers to locate themselves a new half man in order to keep the show's premise accurate?

The phoenix is free from the evil that held it prisoner. Its fire is free now to serve the universe.

I think it was "Let's make babies get drunk."

Maybe she can offer to be Larry's fuck-buddy.

I think the real point here Kenny is… Would you ask Tom Petty that question?

Yeah, I've had a team working on this over the past few weeks, and what we've come up with can be reduced to two fundamental concepts. One: People aren't wearing enough hats. Two: Matter is energy. In the universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source

zzzzzzzzzzzzz, sounds boring. Call it, Snore-O.

You paid too much.

You are the John Corabi to this article.

But Drake is friends with Lil Wayne who sort of looks like that squirrel thing - if that squirrel thing were wearing dark sunglasses.

I only visit YouTube to enjoy ZMF's "Great Moments in Ownage" series.

You think everything is about masturbation.