Adolph Oliver Pubes

Nada… formaldehyde-face!

I thought that was Cynthia Gibb in the poster.

or Neeson if you like.

This is actually quite understandable since Liam Neeso only has a very particular set of skills; skills he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make him a nightmare for people like Todd Phillips.

Take your stinking paws off this film, you damn dirty Franco!

I read your thesis and after careful consideration I have reached the conclusion that your premise is flawed and that scalpers do indeed suck.

A remake of The Thing With Two Heads would seem to be a natural for these guys. Put Cage in blackface and it's gold I tell ya… gold!

Zafira is fucking Peaches.

Chu better run before da polices come!

We're going to have to slow down your internet connection and add some braces to your hands to impair your typing in order to make sure that we all are equal and no one feels inferior due to your first here in our little society in the Comments Section.

Thanks for the laugh Robuttnik! I was starting to forget that Jim Carrey could be funny.

How about… Jim Carrey is to film what Vanilla Ice is to music.

I give this choice two thumbs up.

Linus Torvalds as Lennox Lewis.

It's like Bono doing Spider Man… and just as insufferable.

The only dog that matters

A little?

Let's tweak the script so that the human race is saved through the clever use of database software and I think we can close this deal.

Well let's be honest… That Robin Roberts is so fucking irritating she makes me want to throw a chair through a window too.

Cheney may have dodged the draft but he can't dodge an HBO miniseries!