Adolph Oliver Pubes

I'm gonna fill your face with buckshot!

Can't we all just get along and Do The White Thing?

and they stored the information in a special three lock box.

Tom spends his time on Twitter these days. He's still entertaining even in 140 characters or less.

Ohhhh! "Corn HOLDERS". That's a relief. And here I was dreading my 2000th post.

Is there a parking garage nearby? Claim it.

… [insert Swedish Chef joke here] —> __________________________!

So… does Pinfield still stand by this quote?
"Hey, it's the bald man, and I'm here to tell you why the new
Limp Bizkit album's so important. That's because CD's like this
will spare you from all the chart-toppin, teenie-boppin,
disposable, happy horse shit that brings up the bile from the
back of my neck."

I knew if I held on long enough my Apple Newton would win out over the Zune.

I think he hates people that misspell his name, Art.

That one Phelps kid is a hell of a swimmer though…

One word review of the Arsenio Billingham post: filth!

OK everyone, grab some Vietnamese Black because everybody must get stoned.

Sid and Nancy.

I think they prefer "little people" now.

It's as simple as this: Each nominee submits a written list of who they want to thank (within a predetermined word/character limit) and then, when the winner is announced their thank you list is scrolled across the bottom of the screen as they tediously make their way to the stage. They are allowed a simple "Thank

It's OK to let it go now, Craig.

Abe Lincoln will kill him with a stake through the heart that is exactly nine inches long.

Be nice, even Franco hurts…

Fucking Courtney Love. That asswipe nasty lying hosebag thief stole my trademark insult where I call people a asswipe nasty lying hosebag thief.