Adolph Oliver Pubes

You guys want to try some Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid Snake? You're gonna get so high your minds will blow chunks into the Milky Way.

I think it's time for Howard Stern to dust off the Fart-Man character.

Profjohnfrink, you are under arrest for being that ugly, and for making that many firsties.

Is that a Rolling Stones logo patch on Ghetto Man's lapel?

There's Michele Bachmann. She's frighteningly hilarious.

So that's where the idea for Wolfenstein 3D came from…

I guess those doctors without borders aren't so special now that we're all in the same boat.

Don't mess with the Lohan.


What are you, a Catholic priest?

I wonder where that fish has gone? You did love it so, you looked after it like a son.

Let's be honest, there's a shorter list of people who haven't eaten your wife's panties.

Is it worth watching if it is lesbian-less?

That only takes one two word tweet.

I'm looking forward to the scene where Larry Ellison beats the hell out of Condoleezza Rice before he fucks her brains out… Errr, I mean Hank Rearden beats the hell out of Dagny Taggart before he fucks her brains out. Powerful women really like it when powerful men abuse them before, during and after sex.

Belly button, pondered.

Don't worry folks, I'll handle this. I speak Esperanto.

That picture makes it look like they are recycling costumes from Tommy???


Who shot ya?