Adolph Oliver Pubes

That explains why Satan is always, "Don't do this and abstain from that," while Jesus is all laid back and like, "Do What Thou Wilt."

I thought Lord Ghidorah was Sasha Fierce?


I love this meme

Banksy is…

Judging by that picture above, the FF is now comprised of The Thing, Spiderman, The Rock and Miley Cyrus.

Well give the man a hand.

Let's make it fun and include Mr. Blonde, Mr. Blue, Mr. Orange, Mr. Brown, Mr. White, and Mr. Pink.

I hear Mel really immersed himself in Jodie Foster's Beaver.

Meh, I've seen it.

I'm a little bummed

FYI - casket advertising is trademarked by me so don't get any fucking ideas.

My will clearly states that I will be selling ad space on my casket to help my family cover funeral expenses.

Keep fucking that chicken, Mister Digits.

Well, it's a natural progression since Jerry Bruckheimer pulled Chase out of his ass.

The 4th Earl of Sandwich is rolling in his grave.

… also your Schwartz.

I see your Scwartz is as big as mine

Great Job Internet?

Meh, I liked necromorphs better when they were called The Flood.