Adolph Oliver Pubes

You had the talent to become a good fighter, but instead of that, you become a legbreaker to some cheap, second rate loanshark!

Tally up 84 more comments Sir Osis and you can add the AVC Comments Board 1000 posts club to your resume.

Adolph at the complaint department, "profjohnfrink is stealing my ideas."

Meth and Ted's Bogus Journey

Where's Firefly?

A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."

Which one in that picture is Lamar Odom?

I liked Monsters better than the 1998 Godzilla reboot. I thought the concept was a clever idea. Yeah, it was slow… and anyone who fucks a total stranger in Mexico deserves to have their wallet stolen… but… well, ZMF is right - once they started that trip up the river things began to improve. Plus, the scene with

some of us actually enjoy titular fucking.

My sister-in-law looks quite a bit like Jodie Foster… and I have my suspicions that she is also a closeted lesbian, and…

The ThighMaster revolutionized the world of bodybuilding.

Squeezer to the dome!

I'm not sure if it predates all the sites you list Genevieve, but one of my favorite sites chronicling the Motor City has always been The Fabulous Ruins of Detroit [http://detroityes.com/home.htm]. I was just a kid but I still remember everyone being a bit sad when they dynamited the old Hudsons store.

Mr. Thomas DeCarlo Callaway is a wonderful individual and such a charming collaborator. Gwyneth and Christopher simply adore him.

Ugh! Fat statue camel toe is the worst!

Finally those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh? Eh comrades? Eh?

I vote for oral anal warts.

As we head back to the promised land of downriver Detroit to enjoy Babka's traditional Christmas pierogis and kielbasa I wish you all Happy Holidays…

I think this is all part of Broadway's effort to put a damper on the continuing influx of aspiring actors and actresses who are flooding New York in a Glee - inspired infestation while also culling the current herd of semi-talented hopefuls.

Blame your failure on human error.