Adolph Oliver Pubes

People will do anything for a potato.


Isn't that just like a hipster? Brings a sword to gun fight.

Jack's nuts roasting on an open fire…
Native children feasting on his toes…
His friends corpse being cooked on a pyre…
The Yanomamo are vicious cannibals.

Throw in that… what's his name… ummm… had to look it up - Patrick Dempsey - and I'll double my $20 to $40!

I'll add

Is this the new thing?

You misheard, it's the Age of Cheesin'. Now, where's that kitty cat?

17 extra minutes of HAL singing "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do…" would've been just the thing to liven up this film.

So… the rage-a-holic reactions in that movie really played to his strengths as an actor.

Spider Man: Heaven's Gate would be a more appropriate title at this point.

Damn fastandsloppy, that information always brings me down.

I suggest a sequel to Being John Malkovich in which Leonardo DiCaprio and the Inception team use their dream entering technology to try and rescue John Cusack.

So, Xenu gets Travolta and Cuaron gets Clooney? Seems fair.

She was in Crash, although that was more fantasy than sci fi.

Can we get the Sid Ceaser and his fiance muppets into this production?

Now we know why Noel Murray's hair looks sprayed on - it is!

If Ming Na is looking for work, I've got an opportunity for her…

Sid Ceaser???

for fuck's sake. "a" not "and".