Adolph Oliver Pubes

Did you watch that last night too?

I admit

Sure sure, the movie itself is no Pan's Labyrinth, but several of the songs are very catchy. What I've discovered in more recent showings is that it seem a lot of the audience participation almost feels forced and not all that genuine. More like, "OK, here's the part where we throw rice, wheeeee! Am I having fun


OK, the Malcolm Jamal Warner face punching line starts here… Alfonso Ribeiro punchers you go over there… We'll get the Jason Alexander haters to line up near that pile of sand…

@Shrike & Hadou
I find myself yelling out the fucking answers from the other room just to fill that uncomfortable silence… Maybe I should just be yelling to turn that goddamn television down before Santa notices how naughty they're being.

Can we get confirmation that Pierce replaced O'Neil because O'Neil showed up at the office this morning bearded and 60 pounds overweight?

Well, I think what our bright young friend's trying to say here is the reason we three goofuses are asked to do these hazardous tasks outside the perimeter of normal society's rationale is, we're a danger to ourselves and others.

Too late gerbil. You lost the magic.

Gay porno… something something Butt Pirates and all that.

Wow, that's like The Bell Jar of posts, Hot Dogs. Don't harsh my mellow on a Friday like that.

.. ..-. / -.— —- ..- / -.-. .- -. / .-. . .- -.. / - …. .. … —..— / — -.— / .—. . -. .. … / .. … / .. -. / -.— —- ..- .-. / — —- ..- - …. .-.-.-

Uh, duh, yep!

Dread Zeppelin (original lineup).

Here's a hot tip: Non sequiturs should be funny or at least entertaining.

It works for Pixar. That Wall-E cursed a blue streak.

Fucking A if this thread wasn't custom made for Mr. McGimmick's latest effort.

As a racist and a bigot I can tell you that while we admire Archie's contributions to the cause, in no way do we venerate him on the same level as great men such as George Lincoln Rockwell.

Forgive Randy. His heart is bigger than his brain.

He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're on the can. He'll hunt you down and blast your ass from here to Pakistan.
You better not breathe, you better not move, you're better off dead, I'm tellin' you, dude. Santa Claus is gunning you down.