Adolph Oliver Pubes

What are they gonna say when he's gone? 'Cause he dies when it dies, when it dies, he dies! What are they gonna say about him? He was a kind man? He was a wise man? He had plans? He had wisdom? Bullshit, man!

Five minutes with Walter Matthau is like ten years in an Ivy League school … It's a shame what's happening in Sarajevo … Kudos to those fine folks who make Bugles so consistently delicious … Boy, do I hate this shirt … What's that guy over there doing? … The Amish make fine houses …


She's hot but she's no Elisha Cuthbert.

Has masturbation lost its fun?

I assumed they will all die laughing.

The Lion King?

Is there an echo in here?

Well, not funny "ha ha," but still…

I thought Joe killed Steve?

In all fairness, the casting director's wife has a black friend so how could he be racist?

How long before someone registers Fuck Monkey?

I want my dead prostitutes being fed to hogs to be in 3D or I'm not buying.

She was last seen in the back of a tour bus having a group sex romp with Kid Rock.

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Only one question left for Whedon… Where's Firefly?

Warning: Fred

Oh no, the danger is far worse than we were lead to believe.

It would appear that some now out-of-work Blockbuster execs have infiltrated the leadership ranks of Netflix and brought their movie rental industry genius-ness with them.