Adolph Oliver Pubes

I guess that's what they call a way-homer.

…and I thought I was Detroit's favorite son.

Sit on it!

Look on the bright side, you just took second place in a two man first fight.

Who knew there was so much to learn about Gerbils? I always thought of them as the Bic lighter of pets.

You forgot to mention

Gerbil Centipede?

I imagine that District 9 comes closest to fulfilling your wishes.

You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that f#$%%#$g white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy.

And you don't stop, sure shot
Go out to the parking lot

22 Gerbils + 22 Hamsters + 1 commercial clothes dryer = Battle Royale

Are you seriously reading the Onion at work because it is a safe and sound thing to be seen on your computer screen?

Yeah! Let's have a "comments" party! With chicks, and guns, and fire trucks, and hookers, and drugs, and booze!

No more orders this threads reached the ender
Like when you're out of quarters and you're dead in Defender

After lunch at Taco Bell I often spend the afternoon working in my own little cloud.

I find Mark Cuban to be a tad overbearing and sociopathic. That's what makes him so damn entertaining.

Is this the long rumored gritty reboot of The Simple Life?

However, rumor has it she'll go greek to get a TV show.

You're being glib!

Maybe Amelie thought she was writing for Micheal Scott and got confused.