Adolph Oliver Pubes

#422 Dying in a fire.

The jerk store called and they're all out of the 80's.

: runs in wearing pink slacks, a white double breasted sport coat, powder blue t-shirt and wayfarers ::

I think the politically correct term is Native Indian.

Fun Fact: Ancient Jerusalem's sewers were filled with full-grown velociraptors that made great Passover gifts for the kids but then ended up growing too big to cuddle.

I'd totally kick Travis Bickle's ass…

Fuck New Yorkers

Oops, pardon my interruption. I was looking for the reasonable discussion.

Well, with Ahmet Zappa involved

[Speaks rapidly in Polish.]

After pummeling someone with my cock I find that a refreshing hour or so in the jacuzzi does the trick.

Oh well, thanks. It doesn't mean I'm not right though.

Am I the only one who:

If you've got no shoeshine you can play pearl jam football.

Two legs, ten legs… but who's counting?

Somebody better warn Downey not to go full peanut.

Fire it on up and let's cruise a while, leave your troubles far behind.
You can hedge your bet on a clean Corvette to get you there right on time. Now if you're ready to dive into overdrive, baby the green lights are on. It's like you're running your brain on some high octane, every time she reaches fully blown.

I'm with ZMF… I'd rather saw my arm off than sit through a Phish concert.

But enough about your personal fetishes, let's talk about their music.

No, man…