Adolph Oliver Pubes

Denzel's been in several stinkers in recent years and I'm betting his new runaway train film puts him in contention for Ferrell's crown.

They're just right-sizing the AVC.

Clearly Johnny Depp will use any transparent excuse to get close to Helena Bonham Carter.

So you're saying you love her lady bumps?

Now all they gotta say to you wannabe, gonnabe, pussy-eatin' cocksuckin' prankstas when the shit jumps off what the fuck you gonna do?
Damn it feels good to be a troll.

Yeah, I came across a similar topic…

I attribute Hillary Duff's popularity almost exclusively to the fact that she appealed to older dudes because she looked like an underage Jenna Jameson.

How's It Hanging, Grandma?

That's reason enough to throw out that iPod in my book, Noel.

She's been called in to investigate several crimes against the university including but not limited to: Who dropped a whole truckload of fizzies into the swim meet? Who delivered the medical school cadavers to the alumni dinner? Why every Halloween, the trees are filled with underwear. Why every spring, the toilets

Molly Shannon: Hot or Not?

Not since The L Word went off the air.

Let me clarify that I am suggesting that Stallone is a Manchurian Asswipe.

Oops, stupid avatar and all. Pubes fail!


OK people of India, lay off the owls or the cow gets it!

Sonic FTW!

[insert obligatory spotted dick joke that we Americans find endlessly amusing]

Lieutenant Candela lost sight of you, and called No Joy.
You failed to respond.

I also enjoyed his comment about how Tea Partiers were against all the government programs except the ones they benefit from.