Adolph Oliver Pubes

Asshole men are all the same.

Women Frisking Women

I think she should get all the O'Neals back together in one house - Ryan, Tatum, Redmond, Griffin, Shaquille…

I think I thought I saw you try.

You know what I like about Taibbi? He says "fuck you" and "you are a stupid motherfucker" to Wall Street, Fox News and the Republican party in a magazine that is published coast to coast - which are exactly the same things I would like to say to those sonsabitches if I had the same forum. I wish he wrote for Time or

He shaved a landing strip on his palm!

The head scratcher to me relates to how long was he in that coma? I mean how long would it take for stupid, slow-moving zombies to overwhelm our armed forces?

His middle name is Dren.

That was a surprisingly kind firstie for such a weighty subject.

Let's do some free association…

Well, I've only got two hands so the Morrissey mask should be just the thing to complete my back scrubber costume.

I sleep in a bariatric chamber like all the other big fat fucks.

What is the matter with you, huh ? What is the flippin matter with you? What are you, a flippin sick maniac or something?

You guys wasn't gettin' paid to leave the dogs babysittin' the sheep while you stem the rose!

@askkanye What the fuck?

A.E. = Anticlimactic Ending

You were thinking of Zach Galifianakis perhaps, Natronicus?

What the world needs now is another Irish folk singer like I need a hole in my head.

Since it's Sam Raimi, can we assume the bushes from outer space will not only be killers but rapists too?

I'd pay to watch that - especially if during said beating the red-headed one sarcastically asks, "Why the long face?"