Adolph Oliver Pubes

The Loathsome Channel?

I can get you one of thos iPad cases much cheaper

It easily tops Steve Martin's Pink Panther reboot.

Erudite Defender of Cultural Trash… how does he/she work?

M O O N that spells Rivers Cuomo.

For clarification, consult your periodic table.

Frankly, a god that tries to buy my love with a free automobile or some such nonsense might actually be nice rather than having a guy who just expects it while threatening a random smiting now and then.

Nice Arsenio. Who hasn't looked at their watch and realized it's getting late and thought that watching this show is better than watching nothing.

Pushing up daisies last time I checked.

You should be so lucky.

I'll give it a couple of more chances to see if it right itself before I abandon this ship.

I think Carell doesn't want to turn into this generation's William "James T. Kirk" Shatner, Leonard "Spock" Nimoy or DeForest "Dr. McCoy" Kelley. In other words, have the role become so iconic that it defines every role thereafter and limits opportunities. Sure Shatner went on TJ Hooker and Boston Legal, but…

That's the sign of a truely commited gimmick poster, Jiminy - can they stay in character regardless of topic. EVL, Horsefellow and Caruso are pretty reliable in their entertainment. Also, it may be stupid but I've never seen Towelie drop out of character. So that's something I suppose.

Will his name be Clyde Umney?

All this movie needs is shaky-cam footage of some chick throwing puppies in the river. That shit will rattle your nerves.

@unicyclistperiscopes @lexicondevil

This is how a heart breaks.

Yeah, that stuff makes me fel [SIC] to my stomach. Bastards!

I don't like warriors.
Too narrow-minded, no subtlety. And worse, they fight for hopeless causes. Tell you what I do like though - a killer. A dyed-in-the-wool killer. Cold-blooded, clean, methodical and thorough.

It's another prequel to the inevitable Machete vs. Hobo With A Shotgun: Hurricane of Gore.