Adolph Oliver Pubes

They rally 'round the family with a pocket full of shells.

Speaking of the British, how about the British? From world-spanning global empire to a little cluster of islands off the coast of France. What happened there?

Way to cover your bases.

I am looking and I must say that I always thought Jennie Garth was pretty hot. And she still is to this day.

The cops claim they smelled pot but are ringing him up on meth? Where's the marijuana charge? T.I. is getting framed by those crooked, racist, scumbag L.A. cops.

Geez Regular Gonzalez, your post reads like my last performance review at work.

Actually, Superdeformed is spot on since SNL is only half funny this days.

I can't wait for an office prank to go bad when Dwight removes the Enter key from Erin's computer keyboard and Keitel flips out and chops her finger off in the paper cutter.


He should've just brought them some honey pepper flavored vodka.

I saw this movie and it's true, I can no longer have children.

How nice of you to acknowledge that fact. Let's change the subject to how can anything be less tolerable than Chelsea fucking Handler?


Lea Thompson in her underwear vs. Carrie Fisher in her Jabba the Hut slave outfit. What's your fancy?

There's much more than that to know about Ms. Cho.

I would watch the motherfucking shit out that, True Pud.

Thank you Martin Silenus.

So's you kin buy yoself a po'boy sammitch?

A sloth?

What about Whoopi Goldberg's family emergency? How about the fact that Margaret Cho and Jennifer Grey are going to be on Dancing With The Stars? What about…..