Adolph Oliver Pubes

Walker is so skilled in the martial arts that he can kick you in the face, knocking you unconscious and not leave a mark.


Whatever happened to the days of keeping a fifth of scotch in the lower right hand drawer of your desk? Is that so wrong?

Ain't that some shit?

You are embarrassing me Arsenio.

She asked me if I smoked after sex and I said, honestly I don't know, I've never looked.

You know Towelie, I kinda do. Where should we meet?

Hey Fran, he jumped into a foxhole he had dug that BJ had filled with water from a garden hose.

I can't think of anyone who considers going to mass "fun."

On Fridays he goes to the toy store and on Saturday he visits in the park.

Unfortunately, that may actually not be true.

That's what the French said to the Germans after WWI.

That cover is such a transparently lame attempt by Rolling Stone to appear edgy and hip.

Are you making full of Sandler's critics, Lobsters?

Sounds like a Sisyphean effort on Franco's part.

I tried to think of something clever but I'm stumped.

What kind of fuck up fails to succeed at failing?

Do you stuff random cats into rubbish bins?

I rarely take a stand on such issues… however I will say that Eli Roth is a douchebag.

Do you ever have sex in the shower with your wife? You should, she loves it.