Adolph Oliver Pubes


I see a very fully meme coming on.

Who would've thought that of all the actors in Lethal Weapon, it would be Gibson and not Busey who would go completely off the rails and descend into a maelstrom of wife beating and racist rants.

Looks like you've been bamboozled.

I think it would be better with Steve Carrell playing the Ricky Gervais part.

And some are just looking to have a good time, hit a few parties, etc. or have we forgotten Zaphod Beeblebrox already?

I thought you meant Brett Favre. No I didn't. Well…. maybe I did, maybe not. OK, I was.

It ain't shit without 5 or 6 Wayans in it.

Well, there's nothing more entertaining than war.

I never understand how the "expert" will come in and tell someone that their item is worth $25,000 at auction and then Rick says, "I'll give $4,000 for it" and the person thinks about it and accepts the offer. Where the fuck is this auction? Get off your lazy ass and take it there. Even if you pay 50% of the

I'll tell you it's in the season six box set and I'll even imply that it is pretty damn important, but once you get the season six box set I'm just going to pretend like it doesn't matter and wasn't very important to begin with.

TBS briefly had Cartoon Planet too.

Giant Piranha vs. Mega Shark

I didn't know they still auctioned black guys in the south, Frogwise.

Hey, that's what souls are going for these days.

Put some Metamucil in that sherry and you'll be right as rain tomorrow, Diabeetus.

I believe the key is to a grain silo from which the kid obtains a bunch of seed corn. He plants a field of corn at ground zero and then mows a pattern in the shape of office cubicles into the cornfield after which the ghosts of those killed in the 9-11 attacks can come back and finish their inter-office memos. It

May you catch syphilis from Bombshell McGee.

I believe it indicates the continued decay of our great nation's moral fabric at the hands of liberal gay-loving Hollywood types. In other words, our children weren't exposed to this type of horror until people like Reagan and Schwarzenegger started occupying public office.

Shut up Penis Breath!