Adolph Oliver Pubes

Call me shallow

Indigeption: An upset stomach caused by nauseatingly endless praise heaped upon a movie by the hipster on his cell phone next to you on the train.

Actually La Pipe, I think the equation is:

I hope you get squashed by a giant foot.

They're going to get her to kiss another girl while various knuckleheads and hangers-on sit around and hoot and holler?

Where will this show appear

The Office should end with Steve Carell's departure, and here's how…

What would be funny if is someone adopted a persona on a comment board where they posted things clearly meant to annoy others and then the other people took the bait and then everyone got all pissed off. That would be fucking hilarious!

More like Whalegang.

A Little Richard biopic starring Kanye West.

But wait, if you don't watch soaps in general or more specifically General Hospital how do you know so much about the Christmas tree set last December? That was like 8 months ago.

To save money, if they need a horse they could just tape a bunch of cats together.

There's a lot of fucking profanity on this week's index

I think Mel was raving about his girlfriend being raped by the Old Spice guy.

He's saying that Popeye's chicken is the shiznit!

I watch Fuse out of spite.

I admire the fact that Timberlake seems to have a pretty solid grounding in life and a good sense of humor (ie: dick in a box). I'll while I readily admit that I cannot/will not listen to much of his music, what I have heard sounds to me more like a Michael Jackson impersonator more than anything truly original.

O'Neal appears to be on some pretty good shit today.

Nah, Axl's from Indiana not Ohio. Same core upper midwestern rage but ZMF is consistently more entertaining. Axl flamed out years ago.

Oh dear Lord Jesus, this ain't happening, man… This can't be happening, man! This isn't happening!