Adolph Oliver Pubes

In the new release are the piranhas all moody and sensitive and do they get all sparkly and shit when sunlight hits them?

Purity of essence, my friend.

Is her vagina

That post was firstie baby food: it is the worship of mediocrity, brought about by a passion for conformity!

I'm grabbing my son, a shopping cart and a pistol and we are getting the fuck out of here.

Oh, I thought you meant Terance Trent D'arby.

So, naturally after the dramatic weight loss the next step is coming out of the closet, right?

I bestow the nickname Dick Wolf upon you.

I had a vague feeling similar to this but then seeing it all typed out in black and white and explained so well has made the pain that much more difficult to bear. Damn you, Chartex! Damn you to hell!!!

I'ma let you finish… after I kick you in the balls.

I'll punch you in the face just prior to when you explode after being bitten by a giant space louse.

Gwyneth Will Save Miramax

This is tailor-made for him to screech "Dream On" at those lovable losers who worm their way into the auditions only to majestically suck ass.

I may be in the minority, and I know it's not cool to say so, but I do not like that song much. Nope, not much at all.

Baisez le poutine, diner sera des fritures de liberte vous des cons!

Don't fuck with your brain, pal. It ain't worth it.

We're going to have to give you a time out for that one.

The 1930's taught us a clear lesson: a lame self-congratulatory firstie, if allowed to go unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to further moronic postings.

I'm thirty seven, I'm not old.

I must emphatically insist that Head Office was terrible. It had a funny line here or there but phewee! it was a stinker.