Adolph Oliver Pubes

Sir, your behavior is not funny. Your attitude is wasting the bureau's valuable time.

You don't mess with the Lohan.

Didn't they already make this movie only it starred that chick who was Richard Gere's wife in another movie and she cheated on him, but anyway in this movie she went to Italy and bought a house there or something? Wasn't that about how middle aged women don't need a man except they kinda really do or something as

What is "underwear"?

Bran is manufactured by taking the residual solid waste from America's sewage treatment facilities, spreading it out on large outdoor concrete slabs in Arizona and allowing it to dry in the sun. This dried material is then broken into smaller flakes for use in cereal or ground for inclusion in baked goods such as

I don't know if anybody's mentioned this, but instead of horses they could just tape a bunch of cats together.

I hope this doesn't have an effect on the remake of Norma Rae!

Owen Wilson walks out…

Sweeeeet! I'll sew it on right next to my Keep On Truckin' patch.

You forgot Lemmy Kilmister… who rains ownage down upon these other guys.

If the van is a-rockin'

Or Yahoo Serious.

Seems a rather convoluted attempt to simply meet Miley.

I saw a horse in a Santa suit riding a manta ray at a bar in Tijuana once, except the horse was a donkey and the manta ray was a strung out prostitute.

I see dead air.

Barenaked Ladies said it best… It's all be done before.

This is car… what number are we? Car fifty five… um, we're in a truck.

I think Dog the Bounty Hunter should go get him.


That book is just a coffee table book on Hollywood producers and directors and features photos of Jerry Bruckheimer, James Cameron, Michael Bay, and Ratner himself. Hence the bemused expression.