Adolph Oliver Pubes

It's about time this meme reappeared. Things was gettin' boring.

She also had a butterface… and still does.


Mel came up to me and said, "I'd like to poison your mind, with wrong ideas that appeal to you, though I am not unkind."

Weird, but I can almost picture Norton in a parking garage somewhere beating himself up over this.

Someone's gotta get a shitload of Beano down to the Gulf of Mexico, STAT!

Perhaps if Polanski's and Pekar's news were reversed? Would that pep you up some?

Any decline of more than 25% for Twilight is good news.

I don' t know how others feel but personally I have found Dwight's character growing more annoying as of late. If he got put in charge I'd watch it even less or maybe not at all.

The Paying Audience

I'd like a personal Duncan ghola. Sort of my own private Idaho.

Imagine my surprise to find Yuengling on tap in Tampa Florida. Turns out they bought the old Stroh's plant down there.

This may smell bad kid but it will keep you warm.

Some cities keep records of how many days they go between shootings. In New Haven they keep the same records only they use minutes.

@Riff… the lovely Mrs. Pubes thinks Beavis & Butthead is stupid but she still gave me the B & B DO America DVD one year for a birthday gift. I found that charming.

I'm hoping the extra 8 minutes will provide insight and explanation into how bronze age aborigines could successfully defeat an enemy with far superior firepower.

burn notice: [burn noh-tis] / noun, verb, -ticed
1. to pre-announce an impending insult

Baldwin don't want to be mayor of Hymietown. He'd be a better fit ruling with an iron fist in someplace quaint like Waterbury.

I found Alien: Resurrection entertaining. Sure, it was stupid, but it was entertainingly stupid. Of course I'm also a sucker for even the worst science fiction movies.

It was thanks to this movie that I started my signature intimidation move around the office where I walk around and randomly shave myself with a disposable razor.