Adolph Oliver Pubes

All their new films

That's quite a conversation. Who the hell you talkin' to Kurt?

You can swallow a whole quarter pound hotdog without chewing? You must be belle of the ball down at the bathhouse.

Ha ha! Lookit that. A name that sounds like something naughty.

While you're down there working at the cleanliness honey, take a shot at your ass too. Pheeweee!!!

Kate Winslet

Well, so what? What's wrong with being sexy?

Sorry for the confusion. I am aware of the difference between Men At Work and Men Without Hats. I was simply having a joke at the fact that at the time of their one-hit wonderdom, Men Without Hats were often portrayed as ripping off Men At Work. No big deal.

Am I the only one still wearing Hai Karate?

Did anyone check his neck?

Don't forget leather and freshly killed livestock.

Semen flavored? gross.

Hey, growl will you?
Make some noise, you knob!
Yeah, we gotta start the movie, eh? He's not growling.
Gee, I think he's bummed out.
Stick a pin in his bum, eh?
No way.

i h8 that sh!t

Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind. Cuz your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're, no friends of mine.

It's frickin' disgusting is what it is. It's a yeast infection in a can.

Apparently for some people it was a Sophie's choice of sitting around in the heat and humidity with family they don't like much while the knucklehead next door tempts fate with illegal fireworks or go to an air-conditioned theater and zone out to Twilight or Airbender.

but isn't that more or less a rather generic description of life in Kentucky, LAOTA?

Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly
John Mayer
Ashton Kutcher
Spencer Pratt
Alex Trabek
Jeff Probst
Pete Wentz