Adolph Oliver Pubes

Nacogdoches Retail Alliance?

When does the Lost fan fiction start?

Make 'em fembots and I'll at least watch the pilot.

My friends call me Lenny, but I got no friends.

Where's the Manimal big screen adaptation?

Get Olivia Munn involved and the nerdgasm apocalypse will be at hand…

Talk about improbable, how the fuck did a bunch of monkeys whose village appears to have advanced technologically to, at best, medieval levels somehow blast the crew capsule of a multi-stage rocket back into space and into a time warp. That bit of the movie was just so fake.

Make like Clyde Bruckman and just let go.

Hellloooo Failman.

He did, and it is a kick ass song.

[On the satellite:]
JOEL: Bring it down there, Gypsy. Ya know, Silas, it's not easy being a social misfit and then getting the added responsibility of dragnetting the swamp for missing townsfolk. And I can't even button my own shirt.

Is something happening to your special purpose?

Damn you Father Time! Damn yoooouuuuuuu!!!!

My sweet lord that was a terrible firstie.

how folk music is having its revenge?

What about Miss Yvonne?

Make them lesbian cheerleaders and I'll watch.

Here I was hoping to use it as a blueprint to help me get to the life I always wanted.

Family Guy? Oh man, I'm totally going to kick you in the nuts at the next AV Club convention.

and here I thought you were starting a "this is MY favorite episode" thread Robuttnik?