Adolph Oliver Pubes

He quit when he found out that Cameron planned to change the story so that despite their superior technology the doctors and scientists fail in their mission and are sent home with their tails between their legs after the white blood cells and antibodies somehow kick their ass.

Banal will cost you extra with most prostitutes.

Last evening on his radio program Alice Cooper gave out this little tidbit about when the average American reaches the age of 60 something or some such age, they have watched the equivalent of 9 years of TV.

and never at fault.

I would say

The ladies will be looking and smelling hot in Dominoes new Pizza Face scented makeup.

How ya durrin?

Is is accent at least consistent? I'm looking at you Costner.

I thought he meant "heart" in a General Grievous kind of way for the Transformers.

I'm too lazy to look. Can I get a Dharma VW van?

yes, Yes, YES! You are onto to something there Lemur.

I'll cast my vote for Bruce Campbell as well. That's inspired casting right there, dammit.

Bippity Bippity Bippity Bippity Bo!

Produced by Sherwood Schwartz.

One ending features Jack rushing through the halls of the temple to find the door home. He opens and is suddenly pulled through and… he's back on Oceanic 815 and the whole thing begins again.

Geez Joe, next time put a little thought into the topic before you just go and type something random.

Bruckheimer Films?

Howard… Cheadle… six of one, half dozen the other. I'm more annoyed with the shoehorning of Samuel L. Jackson into this film. I mean, first of all Iron Man's identity is a secret. Stark didn't flaunt that he was Iron Man. Second, Nick Fury is a white guy. Stop fucking with my preconceived notions Favreau.

well, good luck and…

I totally blocked your first and it took me fucking forever to type that stupid post.