Adolph Oliver Pubes

I saw Mark Mothersbaugh

Nathan Rabin has the Professor Xavier look down cold.

Depends on who you ask.

I'm working so hard to keep up with this pop culture stuff and the constant changes at the AV Club, I'm falling behind in my real work. And man, that means I hardly have time to Twitter. Oh well, if the real job has to suffer for my art, so be it.


Fucking Kobe Bryant. What an asshole scumbag.

Aww man, now you've ruined it.

It's all coalescing right now. It seems like you have choices but sooner or later it's all going to enter your house through a single source. For the time being I'm not going to sweat it too much.

A swing and a miss!

No shit? I gotta start directing movies.

He's 99% sure he's done with Rambo. I'm 99% sure that 99% of the movie going public was done with Rambo two or three sequels ago.

What's up with the fucking Swiss? They can't be bothered to lift a finger in World War II but they'll jump all over this Polanski thing? Not that I applaud his flight from justice and all that, but come on… what the hell Switzerland?

So a man walks into a bar with an alligator. He stands up on the counter and announces "If I stick my dick into this gators mouth, let the gator shut his jaws and then pull them out without a scratch on 'em you'll all buy me a drink." The crowd shouts out, "Hell yeah, go for it."

and I like chicks in baths.

I used to be a big fan of Apple computers but fuck those guys. When my iPod dies, I'm looking for an alternative.

or the aforementioned Watchman.

Go to Jack In The Box and enjoy the Jack Sauce.

I'll have the lot, all mixed up in a bucket with the eggs on top.


It's like those brushes people have next to their toilets only smaller. Instead of scrubbing your ass with it, you scrub your teeth.