Adolph Oliver Pubes

I blame

For $25 Jean gave me true religion, and a stubborn case of the crabs.

I was not unnerved by that video. Hmmm, I guess I've become completely deadened to violenceā€¦

I threw a couple of drinks this past weekend

Final Defecation?

Where the fuck is Blade when you need him?

Say what you will, but the kid has some well-practiced swagger going for him.

Deep inside, we're all white people.

Dragon Training Flick Schools Competition

You haven't seen a lot of movies have you?

wight here

Sorry King. I was cutting corners and not reading everything through. A thousand pardons.

People like you don't know what is like to get hurted.

What's a little more plastic surgery going to hurt at this point? I say go full Asian and get your eyes done Mickey.

My favorite part of Cars is Ratzenberger during the end credits. My kids love the hell out of that film though and I'd rather watch that than a fucking Ni Hao Kai Lan marathon or the Care Bears.

Diiieeeeā€¦ I can't.


You're right. She's so over the top that even the mildly entertaining Mr. Homm fails to balance her out.

Me too Fritzy.