Adolph Oliver Pubes

Who knows? God willing, they'll all meet again in Sex and the City 2: The Search for More Money.

He's certainly seems to be a big fan of seamen.

How gauche. Good Friday is not a day for comedy. People in the Philippines are fucking crucifying themselves today and you're laughing at Kumail Nan… Nanj… Nanja… Nat going to be working in comedy much longer.

Begin The Beguine!

So with Shrek team with Croslite and wear a pair of Crocs in this film? So hip!

"Next week, the Lennon/McCartney songbook."

I'll second that.

Tell me about it. If this trend takes off I'm going to have to change my name to Adolph Oliver Rhinestones.

You must hear that a lot. You've got the enunciation down perfect.

I'm with you there Zardoz.

I watched that vajazzling video on the buzzfeed. I have to agree with Fresh Jive, it struck me as… shall we say, unnecessary and potentially abrasive to your nose, chin, groin?

Isn't it time for Jennifer to move into her nudity stage? We waited patiently for Marisa Tomei but come on Jennifer, use it before you lose it.

For once I can completely agree with an entire Lobsters post. Huzzah!


Which role was the starring role?

If a topic was ever worthy of Barfman's attention, this is it.

Crocs - Available in a wide range of colors to match your fanny pack… that you are wearing on your front… dumbass.

They are also good for pre-judging people before you even meet them.

That's a Croc of shit.