Adolph Oliver Pubes

Hey Drinky, I've got some salmon mousse for you.


More swamp creatures please.

I found the above blog to be moderately entertaining. It tells the basic story of a film critic responding to a critique of film critics by a filmmaker. While more accomplished writers may have achieved much the same result via more economical use of prose, the end result still manages to be mildly entertaining. It

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I can't wait for the montage of euphemisms for breasts, or penises or testicles or anuses or something like that.

So, what are the odds they drop the pipe because you know, smoking is not so PC these days.

If this show moved to HBO, dropped all the characters except Sarah Chalke and then featured her naked I might watch it… with the sound off.

His name is Trig, not Quatto.

Want to try that again Sir Fail-A-Lot?

However, he did nail Sharon Stone back in the day.

He really loves apple pie I guess.

I'm swearing off video game movies until the premier of QBert.

His name is Fuck You!

I thought it was for people into erotic asphyxiation.

I thought women were from Venus?

Don't you mean Nips Ahoy there Dino?

Unless their going to take an R rating and unleash those puppies, who cares?

Shiver me timber!

So what you're saying is…