Adolph Oliver Pubes

Sorry for the delay, work on Friday sucked ass. The wings on the other hand were pretty damn near the highlight of the afternoon. Definitely something I'll buy again. Thanks for the tip.

Seriously? I'm heading out to lunch. I'll give them a shot.

He's the undercover Glover.

(also, screw you, Keonig!)

I started watching Leaving Las Vegas the other night and damned if I didn't have to poor myself a Beam on the rocks, then another, then the wife asked me just what the hell I was doing on a work night and I took a look at Cage's character and went to bed. Thank god someone in this relationship has some good sense.

Sorry, can't make it.

If she had a dick, this is where she'd tell you to suck it!

Dr. Drew Is Really, Really Sad He Couldn't Exploit Corey Haim In Time?

I may need to travel to this Boston show just to see this Wang I've heard so much about.

I remember recognizing the Wraith's car as a Chrysler prototype. In some shots you can even see the pentastar logo imprinted on the front of the car.

or the episode where the cop is demonstrating the negative effects of alcohol except that Johnny's reflexes keep getting better the more he drinks.

Hey now, it's just a rumer.

If they start adding new content at a faster clip it may end up costing me my job. These TPS reports don't write themselves.

Now Seagal is a cop and DMX is a criminal… that gives me an idea for a reality show.

I don't like it any more than you men.

I thought that Dunkin Donuts sammich looked tasty…

Yeah, well at least your mom didn't run over your leg in her Volvo.

At this point, this is a great career move for him.

Extra points to the band that covers Say Yes and then stabs themselves in the chest for the finale.

… and a bonus to that top 10