Adolph Oliver Pubes

Well… da Herpes Hit Woman has a job for life, so she's got that going for her.

No love for Mr. Mister? Come on folks, sing it with me!

If you believe the story, I love his verbal takedown of Toby Keith…

Listen. Obscure references, Simpson's episodes and Animal Collective songs are no basis for a system of firsties. Supremely adroit firsties derive from a clever use of the integer before two and after zero, not from some farcically obscure pop culture reference.

With the rise of Jersey Shore, it's Mook TV now.

Yes, in fact we got it several minutes before you when Merk said it too.

Quadruple Play

The bar I was at had something like 50 TVs tuned to the Super Bowl so you can subtract 30 or 40 off that total for me because I couldn't watch all of them.

I gotta give The Shack credit, they have an adapter for just about anything. Some of their stuff looks like it was designed in a steampunk nightmare, but it usually works.

Lent 7: Sundays Don't Count

Tyler Perry Brings You

They are abortion doctors by day, spies by night.

Oh come on, the halftime show wasn't all that bad. Would you have enjoyed it more if Daltry had slid across the stage and rubbed his cock on the camera lens?

I'm worse than the worst?

This version can star

That would require Tim Tebow to be straight.


Meh. Stern's shtick wore out years ago. Get Artie Lanf to be the new Idol judge. Now THAT I would watch.


It's OK, he's wearing the ironically.