Adolph Oliver Pubes

I think it's because the very existence of your balls was in question.

I prefer

I want to hear her tips on responding to "Would you shut the fuck up, I'm trying to watch the game."

Manimal FTW!

Well, you made the lame firstie list so you've got that going for you. Sure it's embarrassing, but what else have you got?

Silence is the best music - silence means the rugrats are sleeping and it's happy fun time!

I call it the Spock's Brain of firsties.

The meatball sandwich one is well-crafted. Shit, is it lunchtime yet?

Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore - now there's some fun baddass swagger for you.

That's what she said.

Hey by the way, which one's Blue?

Eventually the tire just wears down.

15 more chapters?

This movie will be popular with burnouts.

Cooper Whitewall, Jr.

Oh jeez, another horror retread.

It's like The Red Balloon except the balloon kills people and drinks their blood.

Could she just move on to porn films and get it over with already? Jeez, these pointless detours into celebutard reality are just lowering her street value.

Used some of that sauce today at lunch. Had a vague, formaldehydey taste to it.

Carl's Jr. originally called Carl's Kid Needs a Career or He's Gonna End Up Back on Heroin.