Adolph Oliver Pubes

I don't know… those great big floppy flapjacks don't really do it for me. A wise man once said that anything more than a mouthful and you're risking a sprained tongue.

I learned that feeling culturally obligated to view a film is a huge mistake. I learned this when I went to see A.I. - Kubrick, Spielberg… how could it miss? Lord almighty did that film make me want to self-immolate. I can generally endure just about any film but that one had me begging for the end.

Soon, OTP, soon.

I'm willing to bet it cost more the Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus.

Gwennie's tits, perhaps?

Do you think somebody has sense enough to just dump him in the river or something. Anything except sticking him in a goddam cemetery.

Pants shmants. Grow up and get yourself some slacks.

What about Larry Stork.

That guitar should be raining bombs shaped like musical notes down upon a bunch of middle eastern-looking asswipes.

Add Lyle Lovett and Matthew Broderick to that horse fucking club.

Many people who saw Titanic felt shortchanged.

In cases like these I bow to the succinct wisdom of HL Mencken…

I thought the basis of humor was tragedy and that laughing at others misfortune is what made us human.

I am

I approve of the direct to TNT route. They could've started with it on NBC where it would have been very good so therefore NBC would cancel it and then it would move to cable where it would do well. Bravo for cutting out the knuckleheaded network middle man.

Hey Lobsters 1

…and hence the even more incredibly lame trolling by Lobsters 1. It's a vicious circle isn't it?

Great pic of Jay too with that shmucky assface look he has perfected.

Die in a photon torpedo malfunction.

Actually, if a natural disaster caused a breach in her dental dam that resulted in massive flooding, THEN Brad would return to help rebuild her vagina.