Adolph Oliver Pubes

Nah, it's Harold Ramis.

Seek comfort in the Atlantic.

A wise alchemist once said, "Even when our eyes are closed, there's a whole world out there… that lives outside ourselves and our dreams."

You know who needs fashion help? American Girl dolls. Them chicks is homely.

I give out a couple of pennies to each little munchkin. Kids just love to get money so they can buy the candy of their choice.

New Rule…

It will be called, "The Clear and Present Hunt for More Money"

I think I've mentioned this before, but I once saw a stripper dance to Type O Negative's Black No. 1. That was pretty awesome.

This goes well with other entertainment tie-in foodstuffs such as Nabisco's Soylent Green wafers.

Personally, my tastes in animation hotties runs toward the Little Mermaid. Hot damn tamale, I imagine that carpet matches the drapes.

Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Wow Hardware…

Maybe more churches need to serve waffles during mass.

Following Roy G. Biv Devoe's line of thought, 1903 was a tough year for shoe clerk's seeking manicures.

Anyone actually see that Paranormal Activity movie? I've watched the trailer, etc. and fail to see what all the hubbub's about.

DPA, I like the cut of your jib.

Sorry folks, but Dog the Bounty Hunter is the most kick-ass show set in Hawaii. Dog would kick Magnum's skimpy red shorts wearing ass from the Big Island all the way to Oahu.

Jim's brothers telling their wives that Pam's hot body meant they had to step it up a notch (and the subsequent glares) was great. It also prompted a peremptory "Don't even…" from my wife.

Kevin's wig and Kleenex box shoes rocked. Oh, and I've always had a slightly skeevy feeling about hotel ice machines and now I know why.

You've got it backwards. His balls are so huge they are close to his pockets.