Adolph Oliver Pubes

I thought the Monkees were the American Beatles???

Perhaps she can open a pet store that sells the popular Swbielter Puppies.


Do these two painfully cool hipster girls spend all day posting on the AV Club when they should be focusing on their work?

Frankly, Juno hit a little too close to home for me.

Alas, poor Stiller! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite
jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath bore me on his back a
thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is!
My gorge rises at it.

When I look at Rachel and Rosario I can think of only one thing…

Will they broadcast the episode when the monkey goes berserk and attacks their friend in the driveway and bites their face off, etc.?

Wasn't that show really more like Kate plus Nine anyway. I get the impression she had to boss that chucklehead around or else he would have just sat on his fat ass doing nothing. Being a dad means you gotta grow up a little bit you dumbfuck.


She's just down because nobody told her that there'd be so many black people.

That's nothing…

Shouldn't Kenny Chesney be appearing on St. Francisco City Limits?

It takes a tough person to post a critical firstie.

"she's a pretty blond with big tits" ??? Shit man, you sound like her dad.

Mama Cass died of a broken heart when she found out John would rather screw his daughter than her.

I would totally watch that Senor Pants.

Nice. Now I know what he was thinking as he imagined his fictional island utopia. I fucking hated that song but now if I ever have the misfortune of hearing it again I will at least have a laugh as I picture the arrival of a plane bearing John Phillips, Jamie Spears, Michael Lohan and Billy Ray Cyrus and their


Sort of a super Harvey Fierstein?