hunter gathers

He's Spending More Time With His Family (and hasn't slept properly in months). If you think he was ornery beforeā€¦


One simply bleeds onto the page. That's all, really. ;-)

Did you time-travel back to the mid-1980s this weekend? Because that's much bigger news to lead with, frankly.

Fucking plumbing, man. I've been there twice. I wouldn't recommend it.

After you get drunk! There's a Process, damn it!

Hardware is awesome and has Lemmy in it!

Christ, she has grown into an utterly gorgeous woman!
"You don't touch The Coppertop."

Die, motherfucker.

G-G-G-Goodbye. You'll be banned, soon. Fuck off and auto-erotically asphyxiate yourself.

You've been flagged three times. Burn this motherfucker, mods!

You've been flagged again.

You've been flagged.

Fifty Sizes of Forehead.

Got all four. It's been a while.

Hive-mind, eh? I've got a friend with a new EMP weapon he developed. He needs live subjects to test it on, but it's not "ethical" or "legal" in any strict sense. Hell, you guys probably won't even remember it, apart from the nightmares and stuff.

Freshizzle, my Nizzle!

All I ask for is that the BASTARD flower arrangement from The League of Gentlemen TV series be placed in front of my coffin or bier. Otherwise: bury me, burn me, eat me, expose me to vultures, chuck me in a river or the sea. I'm going to be dead. I won't give a fuck.
But that flower arrangement is goddamned hilarious!

Did he? I Don't Recall.

I wouldn't attend the funeral of anyone with a name that fucking stupid, even if it was one of my parents.