hunter gathers

The lack of dog whistles is what is getting him attention, and his not using code words is considered bad form.

Oh, he's already been to hell, and frankly was not impressed.

All Hail the King (of Sockmonkeys)! A credibly less horrid New year to you!

Got all four! Then, again, they were history and geography questions. But it has been a while. Thank you for your recap articles, Jay S. Considerably Less Shitty New Year to you and all A. V. Clubbers!

At the time, "Slag piles and polluted rivers, Unrestricted strip mining" would have been more apt. It's gotten some what better, but mountaintop removal and fracing are fucking things up again.
Oh, my poor, benighted people.

I still love that movie. Lemmy was a big William Gibson fan and loved being in something cyberpunk.

Yup. Swelling's gone down a lot and it's not painful anymore. Thanks for asking!

Oh, how I laughed! Hillbillies hold a grudge longer than Your Dad.

Yes, and "Country Roads" is about WESTERN VIRGINIA, NOT WEST VIRGINIA, GOD DAMN IT! Sorry, AVC people, that's a life-long rage talking.

Don't fast-forward through The Damned on "Nasty!" They're fucking great! I happen to dig Nine Below Zero's "11 Plus 11" as well.

My grandpa brought back a set of Ziess binoculars, a Luger (which is an inaccurate piece of shit with a stupid action), a Walther (much better pistol), and a Mauser Kar-98, al of which I inherited.
If I had tried to get the East German made AK-47 I "stumbled upon" in the Gulf in '91 home, I'd still be in Leavenworth.

He was actually a brilliant student of military and all other types of history, and most of the German stuff he had was from The First World War. The hat he's wearing in that wonderfully-chosen header pic is a late 19th U. S. Army Artillery number.

Playing that on repeat, bawling and drinking a great deal is how I spend Veteran's Day. I've stopped breaking things, though, so that's a kind of progress.


And now seven oral surgeons are suffering from PTSD.

He's going to haunt the absolute fuck out of the Hammersmith Odeon.

"Representing Scumbag College, we have Mike, Neil, Vivian and Prik."

Poor old fucker! RIP. You'll be greatly missed.

"The Strom Thurmond Story!"

As a drunken slob, I endorse this.