hunter gathers

I don't want no Fop, God Damn it!
I'm a Dap King Man!

Bitchiest. Footnotes. EVER.

NYRB's one volume edition of Robert Burton's Anatomy Of Melancholy is one of my prized possessions, and also Patrick Leigh Fremore's travel books.

Is it weird that I find the scene with The Evil Baby one of the funniest things I've ever read?

Check out New York Review Books. They republish a lot of obscure and excellent books. They Gallery in the above list is one of their publications.

I love these, too.

They are wonderful.

The Black Company books are great. I also like Cook's Instrumentalities of the Night series.

I'm exactly the opposite. It depends on your own intellectual background.

Anathem is fascinating and dense, be Stephenson makes it pretty clear that he's a Plato man in the Plato vs. Aristotle split that runs through the Western intellectual tradition. I'm and Aristotle guy and became quite sneery at the bits toward the end and the ending itself.

It's a monster, all right.

I have a bachelors and masters in History, so I love The Baroque Cycle and really like Cryptonomicon. Seveneyes, Stephenson's latest, however, was so science have that it really put me off. I couldn't finish it.

That's the problem. High school kids are just too young to really understand a lot of the classics on the curriculum and don't have sufficient knowledge of the historical and social contexts they were written in or deal with yet.

"You, with the scooching, stop it. I mean it."

So pretty much no big change from life for most Norse people.
Only you're dead, too. EDIT: Man, polytheistic afterworlds blew. No wonder people went in for Eastern Mystery Cults and Christianity; anything that promised some form of continued existence without the misery they were already deeply familiar with.

There are familiar power plays and ego-assertion. It's a huge difference.

Moving large furniture? Especially the dreaded Stairwell Pivot?

Then you piss on it, right?

And then whatever is in the jar will spoil more quickly. I'm male, and if I can't open it with my hands I use one of those rubber-grippy wrench things.

You do horn your own toot, however.