hunter gathers


You need two commas there, Hepcat.

Call me old-fashioned, but I appreciate that sort of personal touch.

I drum on a hollow log.

She may feel bad about wanting to end everything she says to the kid with "you little bastard." Parenting is rough.

Your point being…

Always leave 'em wanting more!

Good book, though.

Then you need to go back and check out how unreliable a narrator Hemmingway was in that book and his letters.

Live Free Or Sigh!

1790. They were the first new one. The original 13 had claims that their territories ran all of the way to the Mississippi River, or (in wilder instances such as Virginia) the Pacific Ocean.
Relinquishing those land claims to the national government was one of the few useful things that got done under the Articles of

Um, Lloyd George was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during WWI.

He was Ambassador to France at the time and out of the country.

Got all three DDs, choked on FJ. Fixated on Roger Sherman for some idiotic reason. ;-)

Umm-Hmm. [Hostile Squint]

All the cats I've had have just savagely attacked the ornaments and, of course, assumed they were a wonderful gift and decided to nod off under the tree for most of the time it was up.

Madame Gathers is a ferociously keen knitter. I am still not getting her a ewe and a ram for Christmas, however. Sure, it would keep the lawn mown quietly, but there are city regulations about livestock to consider…

Except when it's like Savage Love. Hire a sex worker, if you like!

Geek & Sundry's Critical Role live D & D Thursday nights 7:00 P. M. PT, 10:00 P. M. ET, Friday Mornings 3:00 A. M. GMT on G&S's TWITCH channel. I am in no way affiliated with any of the involved parties, just a huge fan and geek.

Thank the Baby Jeebus for gift cards! I'll be whipping those fucking things around like ninja throwing stars.