hunter gathers

Except for the convicted felons in 38 states, of course.

33% plus. Mostly willfully ignorant, shit-stupid white males with a high school diploma/GED or less. White trash shitheads, is what I'm saying. Strangely, they don't like me "telling it like it is" AT ALL. Maybe I need to fuck up my hair and get a TV show for fucking idiots. "Losers" are Trump's core supporters, which

I am a public school teacher. See my previous post. ;-)
I also work with my wife. She gets the $25 and up gifts.

Hand-made membership in The Monkey Bread Of The Month Club for 24 months (includes preparation, handling and fuck you fee; is the exact same monkey bread every time).

It would be a cold day in hell before I would ever participate in such a thing. Hell, I give them the gift of life every day I leave work without killing one of them all year long! What could be more precious?
Mandatory, shmandatory. Just let them try to fire you over that.

Keep it up, MLA!

I am so terribly sorry for you. You did the right thing, but it's hard and it hurts a lot. Poor kitty.

My desktop PC has been saved and upgraded. They de-corrupted the hard drive and installed my hot new video card, processor and a 580-watt power supply. Now I just have to wait until the 15th to pay for the job, then Fallout 4 here I come! I'm off from the 23rd to the 4th, and Holiday Togetherness will be apportioned

If yours is green, A. V. Clubbers, you need to see a chap about some feng shui or acupuncture. Or you could thoroughly wash your cocks for a change, you filthy bastards!

I think Brainman there deserves a top-ten slot there. "Yeah, definitely asexual, yeah…"

Won't behave properly is a very polite way to put it.
Remember those Space Shuttle tiles?

[practices fixed grin for use in the presence of Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks solo work]

Much love for Oh Bondage, Up Yours!

Not at all shocking, considering the source. Fish's prose is ghastly. Tedious old Critical Theory monger and outrageous hypocrite.

I've got SPQR at the top of my Wish List.

The Old 96er.

[Wicked Witch shrugs broadly, flounces away]

"Yeah." Ralphie's funniest line delivery in the film.

It's the only magazine I still subscribe to. Harper's has really gone down hill since Lapham retired.

West of Sunset was pretty good. O'nan really did his research.