hunter gathers

They're sorry, AJ, but the best they could do was… Ed Hardy! Bwahaha!

King of the Gits.

I'm frightfully sorry, but I simply can't hear you over the sound of the firestorm!

The Siren Suit: not a good look for the PM.

[Pulls Herman Goering 1/4 out of hat before squeaking noise]
Haben Sie Morphine?

The War Mime tearfully surrenders Paris.

You need to get an agent!

Somewhere toward the Total-Party-Kill end if you can't find the fucking phalactary fast enough.

Happy birthday, MissEli!

We're long overdue a Party Death.

Cheney is fucking Satanically evil.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition [sigh]. Your post was genuinely a tactic they used.

With the vast walk-in closets filled with skeletons W has, he's not saying shit.

That would totally fuck up his network of oil industry contacts!

I have dozen of grams! I have four grams. Can you maybe front?

Well, bugger that for a game of soldiers.

Shagging and regretting it!

1. Do you fancy her?
2. Is she a goer?
There's no need to burn bridges just yet.

People who use any permutation of the word "authentic" seriously in regard to anything need to die in a fucking fire.
