hunter gathers

On further consideration, I'd like to add Superstore.
I would also like to replace CSI: Cyber with The Muppets.

Franko, I would like to drop CSI: Cyber and pick up Telenovela, please.

I said Hudson and Baffin because I was grasping wildly at straws.

I'm so incredibly sorry, and I know that that is so completely useless. I really hope things get better for you, but I really just ought to shut the fuck up now.

Not so much, these days… :-(

It depends on how heavy the counterweight is and the dimensions of the sling or cup at the end of the throwing arm. I would estimate four to six adult males.

The Tentacle Rape Quarterly.

The pages come pre-stuck together.

Meh. Lawyer jokes.

There is something about religious fanatics and the applied sciences. Most educated terrorists I've read about have had that kind of background. I think it's because these fields are mostly about following known procedures and don't involve a lot of critical thinking or questioning established beliefs.

Jesus! Get a Garden Weasel or something and clean that thing up!

With more than a hint of Tay-Tay thrown in.

Is that pronounced as if one is a delighted Old Time Prospector, as was their want?

I do not want to be downwind of you when you get gassy (and you will). ;-)

It's great. You'll learn a lot.

Can I buy some pot from you?

Innocent Blood was the one I was trying to remember! Thank you.

Just what Sludge always wanted! It's a Christmas Miracle!
"Hey, Billy, shut the fuck up and drink your goddamned orange juice, already!" RIP you great tough-guy character actor.

Dullest human being I've ever seen.

The 2004 election results sent me into the last prolonged spell of clinical depression I've had.