hunter gathers

Paul Fussell long ago suggested forcing them all to join the reserves, shipping them to Basic or Boot Camp and having Drill Sergeants and Instructors scream at them and kick their fat asses for a few months.
If they're dropped or medically separated, they loose their guns.

Don't get me started on Michaelangelo!

Cautionary Example.

I've seen two where it was more like presenting an opened box of dueling pistols with a flourish, but this is baffling and sad.

Best wishes for your cousin, Doc!

Wouldn't it be terrible if many of those who voted for him were tragically sucked through agricultural machinery and sprayed out in bloody clouds of little bits?

[amends style book]

I was six and saw it at a drive-in in 1977. It was on a double bill with The Sting, which almost immediately put me to sleep. I've had the same reaction to Robert Redford ever since. ;-)

I've been known to refer to him as Blowfish Face, and I even had his action figure as a kid.

It's a liability more than anything.

My desktop is still in the shop and things are not looking good for it. I've been looking at Alienware Alpha's, and I may have to bite the bullet and finance one.

I had to get them for the first time when I was forty, or the DMV wouldn't renew my drivers' license. I've been blessed with freakishly good vision for most of my life (20/10R, 20/20L), but my distance vision is going to crap and I'm down to 20/80 in both eyes.
I was a little bummed about it, but some cool Ray-Ban

To be fair, that was probably safer than letting a doctor anywhere near you until around 1895.

You don't want it getting into the water table. That's how you get Arkansas.

Yeah, "love."

You got that right, you Hockey Puck!

Dare I eat a peach?

We had a very pleasant and low-key Thanksgiving at my parents and thoroughly enjoyed our first long break since the first week of August.

That was the Senate, not Wilson.

At least our involvement helped end it.