hunter gathers

Or "It's fucking obvious you didn't read the book."

"Thoroughly whacked and smacked, the rebellious organ subsided into a grudging, temporary submission." I beg to differ on that question of usage.

As Dana Gould once wisely said of Dane Cook: "I don't consider that stand-up. I consider that motivational speaking for people who don't want to do anything."

Phil Jupitus is my favorite, but Sue is a delight.

I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a Failure Pile in a Sadness Bowl.

An aggressive-aggressive kick in the nuts might be more likely to get his attention.

It's Not Bluebeard's Castle At All.

"For God's sake, Baldrick, if you're going to wear that posing pouch keep your legs together!"

He ain't got time for lube!

I still haven't seen that one.

I can only use the power of The Farce.

Do you think it might be something fully-operational?

You're a member of the Viet Cong?

Surgeon General Coop called his beard "The Babe Magnet."

Computer is still not back from the shop, so I'm still waiting to play Fallout 4. Read Austin Grossman's Crooked, which was an interesting premise that was poorly executed. It either should have been a longer book with more detail, or he lost control of the narrative and it got a severe editorial pruning. The prose

"What's PRNDL mean?"

"Well, I sponsored a bill in Carson City, Just to watch it die in committee" really lacks something as a lyric, you have to admit.

If only!

People don't talk about all of the concussions in lacrosse. It's a shame.

Shit, I said Reno!