hunter gathers

How do you feel about earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions and big fucking storms?
What I'm trying to say here, and I know this is a Christian, Protestant, Calvinist thing I was brought up with, is what if the evil isn't some Metaphysical Goo that floats about in the aether, but something within ourselves?

We had Disorganized Religion before that, and it was like a 24-7 AC/DC concert! Just a bunch of sad old bastards trying to make some money…

So are you, you 'Nucky Gnomish Fucker.

You mean like using a suppressor?

You Magnificent Bastard! Hold steady, we're coming.

ACHEM! That's right, Mister Sherman, everything stinks!

It's a huge goddamned machine that just drives you, if you're a 20-30 year careerist. If you just take the money and walk away after 4 years, it's different. EDIT: But I had boys I taught getting shipped over there as Army or Marine Infantry. Two out of three of them have come back fucked up, but not totally fucked

I was just in the Gulf in '91, but it was worse than the networks let on because they had them on a choke-chain. Being in Kuwait after the Iraqis fired the oil wells in late winter was as close to standing on the floor of Hell as I ever want to get to.

I love you, you fucking asshole!

I've no idea why. The British always used you as shock troops. You lot are braver than hell, and less noisy and emotional than us Yanks.

Good one, Eh! ;-)

Good on yer!

That was genuinely helpful.

That is the absolute truth.

Madame Gathers kept me from rejoining the Army after 9/11, which turned out to be a great thing. She is a wonderful woman to tolerate my sorry ass.

God bless you, we'd all like to think that. History doesn't repeat itself. People do all the time, in similar situations, which is the only reason that justifies the profession I've devoted my life to.
EDIT: Judkins, I've just used a powerful Southern Curse irresponsibly, haven't I?

Bandar Bush. Gabba-Gabba!

Pretty much. Teenaged boys are the most dangerous people in the world. That's why armies, terrorists, and criminal organizations recruit them in the first place.

Because that is what terrorism is, essentially. It is a tactic to draw media attention: look at what you made me do. If someone had invaded Southern France with five Army Groups, things would be a lot louder.

Wise of you.